
Matrix Revolutions: Perlecan Domain V as a Novel Stroke Therapy

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Alfond Room 304
Biddeford Campus
Gregory J. Bix, M.D., Ph.D.

Free and open to the public

Dr. Gregory Bix is an Associate Professor in the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging in the Departments of Anatomy and Neurobiology and in the Department of Neurology. He is also the Paul G. Blazer, Jr., Professor of Stroke Research at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Bix received his BA in Neuroscience from Brandeis University and his PhD (Neuroscience) and MD from Baylor College of Medicine. He then went on to complete an internship in Pediatrics followed by a fellowship in Neurology. 

Dr. Bix's current research interests is in the role of the extracellular matrix in stroke (third leading cause of mortality in the United States). Vascular matrix components are often very sensitive to proteolytic processing/degradation in models of focal cerebral ischemia. Often such processing will generate biologically active matrix fragments. One focus of his laboratory is to determine how select matrix fragments affect the neurovascular unit, the functional multicellular unit that is perturbed in stroke. Another focus of his laboratory is to determine what role these matrix fragments could play in neurodevelopment involving processes that are often recapitulated in response to CNS injury.

Lunch will be provided.

Hosted by: Colin Willis, Ph.D.


Alfond Room 304
United States