
Peripheral nerve inflammation and its underestimated contribution to chronic musculoskeletal disorders

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Leonard Hall, Decary
Biddeford Campus
Andrew Dilley, Ph.D.

Free and open to the public

Dr. Andrew Dilley is currently a senior lecturer in Anatomy in the Division of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation at Brighton and Sussex Medical School at the University of Sussex. Dr. Dilley received his B.Sc.(Hon.) in Anatomy and Developmental Biology from the University College London and his Ph.D. in Neurophysiology from Kings College London. Throughout his career, Dr. Dilley has received numerous awards for his excellence in teaching. 

Dr. Dilley's research focuses on understanding the peripheral mechanisms of neuropathic pain. From previous work in his laboratory, it has become evident that peripheral nerve inflammation (neuritis) forms a major part of the pathophysiology of the condition, especially in many patients who lack signs of an overt nerve injury on clinical examination. Examples of such conditions include complex regional pain syndrome, repetitive strain injuries and lower back pain. 

Ongoing work in his laboratory is focused on looking for into the role of inflamed peripheral axons in symptom production. Specifically, he is interested in exploring the axonal mechanisms and ion channels that lead to increases in neuronal excitability that drive neuropathic pain. Dr. Dilley aims to identify new pharmacological targets for the treatment of neuropathic pain by using a multifaceted approach that incorporates electrophysiological, behavioural, histological and molecular techniques. A major part will be the use of in vivo and in vitro extracellular electrophysiological techniques to examine the properties of isolated nociceptive (pain) and non-nociceptive primary sensory neurons.

Lunch will be provided.
Hosted by: Dr. Geoffrey Bove


Leonard Hall, Decary
United States