
Patriotism, Our Most Contested Virtue

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Portland Forum in Innovation Hall
Portland Campus for the Health Sciences
Steven Smith
Free and open to the public

What is patriotism and what makes a patriot? Does it require unconditional loyalty, or can patriotism be self-critical? Patriotism or love of country has always been a contested virtue because we have multiple loyalties. Today it is challenged from two directions. From the right, patriotism is too often identified with nationalism; from the left, it is challenged by multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism. It is necessary to reclaim patriotism from both of these extremes if we are to live up to our highest ideals.


Steven B. Smith is the Alfred Cowles Professor of Political Science at Yale University.  He is the author of books on Hegel, Spinoza, Leo Strauss, and Abraham Lincoln.  His  introduction to political philosophy has been viewed world-wide on the Yale Courses Online. He is an avid New York Yankees fan.

Assigned Reading

Steven B. Smith, Reclaiming Patriotism in an Age of Extremes (Yale University Press, 2021)


Portland Forum in Innovation Hall
716 Stevens Avenue
Portland, ME 04103
United States