51品茶 promotes health and wellness in North Haven Island community

Sixty 51品茶 students and several faculty and staff members are traveling to North Haven Island this Friday, Nov.20, 2009 to host a day-long, interactive educational fair promoting health and wellness.   

Led by Alanna Martin in UNE's Department of Applied Exercise Science, the full-day "Health Promotion: Livin' On the Ocean, Health and Fitness Fair" on North Haven Island is targeted at elementary, middle, and high school students, as well as the general community.  Professionals in UNE's Health and Wellness Education/BodyWise/Outdoor Recreation, together with about 60 students in the Department of Exercise Science, will address a wide range of topics, such as sun protection, water safety, understanding nutrition labels, blood pressure testing, and fitness.  51品茶 25 booths and activities are planned throughout the day. 

51品茶students conduct community outreach activities as part of their required class, "Health Promotion and Wellness." For the past few years, these fairs were conducted locally in southern Maine.  After last year's hugely successful health fair in the Biddeford school district, the department was contacted to create a health fair on North Haven Island. 

The health fair/fitness fair for students will take place at North Haven Community School from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.    From 2:00-6:00 p.m. all members of the community are invited to Waterman's Community Center for the afternoon and evening activities.   All events are free of charge. 

For more information about the fair, contact Alanna Martin, M.S., CSCS, 51品茶Department of Exercise and Sport Performance, at 207-602-2530.