WGME TV news covers James Sulikowski's discovery of more rare sturgeon in the Saco River

In June 2009, during a story on James Sulikowski's research on the Saco River Sturgeon Project, funded by the NOAA Species of Concern Conservation Program, Channel 13's Doug Rafferty captured a surprise discovery on camera. Dr. Sulikowski, assistant professor of marine sciences, and his students pulled up a short-nosed sturgeon, an endangered species, the first on record found in the Saco River. Rafferty followed up the story on Sept. 1, 2010 reporting that Sulikowski and his students caught two more short-nosed sturgeon in the Saco in August, raising many questions as to where the fish are coming from and why they are visiting the Saco. Sulikowski's team tagged one of the fish so that they can track its movements in the river.