Maine Sunday Telegram and WGME cover UNE's commencement ceremony

The and ran stories on UNE's commencement ceremony, which took place at the Cumberland County Civic Center on May 19, 2012. U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree delivered the commencement address, and 51品茶awarded 1,183 degrees. 

The Telegram story interviewed education graduate Briana Chu's mother, Alison Chu, and Sarah Watras, who came to watch her husband, Christopher Watras, one of 131 physicians receiving degrees from the College of Osteopathic Medicine. The Press Herald also covered 51品茶President Danielle Ripich's remarks, and both the Press Herald and WGME covered Rep. Pingree's address.

More than 60 online media outlets, including the Boston Globe, Denver Post, and Cincinnati Enquirer also picked up stories on UNE's commencement.