Marilyn Gugliucci serves as panelist at annual Missouri State University Public Affairs Conference

Marilyn R Gugliucci, Ph.D., director of geriatric education, was an invited panelist for the 8th annual Missouri State University (MSU) Public Affairs Conference, which took place April 17-20, 2012.

The purpose of the Public Affairs Conference is to provide the MSU campus and Springfield, Missouri, community with an opportunity to dialogue about current public affairs issues with significant national and international figures.

The 22 panelists at the conference were each assigned three panels, with only one of the three being in their area of expertise. All panel topics centered on the conference theme "Culture of Connectivity."

Notable plenary speakers at the MSU Public Affairs Conference included Naomi Wolf, author, social critic and political activist; Meghan McCain (John McCain's daughter), political columnist and author; and Larry Kirwin, novelist, playwright, and lead for Black 47 Celtic Rock Band.

This provides access to 40 plenary and panel sessions.

Gugliucci's panels are listed below with the corresponding panel podcast number for the i-Tunes link:

(Podcast #24)      The Culture of Pornography: The Media age and the Changing Face of Human Intimacy

(Podcast #26)     The Digital Age and Implications for Health Care

(Podcast #28)     Connecting to our Past: How are Older Adults Valued in our High Tech Society?