Portland Phoenix notes Stephen Burt's work in rave review of Victorian Mansion art exhibition

The on April 4, 2012 reviewed an art exhibition at the Victoria Mansion in Portland in which work by Stephen Burt, associate professor and chair of the Department of Creative and Fine Arts, is on display. 

The review, titled "Victoria Mansion stages an unsettlingly brilliant show
Going back in time," explains that "Stephen Burt manages to alter the upstairs bedroom with one dramatic conceit, transforming its mood from containment to imaginative shadow play."

Burt is one of eight local artists in the exhibition titled "Victoria's Wonderama." They've created new work that builds on the wonder and fantasy of the Victoria Mansion and the Victorian culture that was prevalent when the house was built in the late 1850s. Burt takes inspiration from cut paper silhouettes popular in the 18th and 19th centuries and the art of shadow puppets to create a landscape in a translucent window screen.