Dora Anne Mills featured speaker at Saul O. Sidore Lecture at UNH

Dora Anne Mills, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P., vice president for Clinical Affairs and director of the School of Community and Population Health, was a featured speaker at the Saul O. Sidore Lecture held at the University of New Hampshire on September 19, 2013.

The Sidore Lecture Series offers programs that raise critical and sometimes controversial issues facing society to those living in New Hampshire. This year's series is focused on public health and the challenges to people's liberties.

Mills presented on the relevant lessons learned from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, including: the challenges of balancing health information privacy with the public's right to know; achieving fair and equitable distribution of vaccine in the face of disease surge and a severe vaccine shortage; and balancing the roles and responsibilities of federal, state, county, and local governments.

Mills also drew contrasts to challenges to personal liberty faced in the 1918 influenza pandemic. As Maine's Public Health Director, Mills led Maine's response to the 2009 pandemic and had conducted research earlier on Maine's response to the 1918 pandemic.

Her lecture was delivered before an audience of about 100 and was recorded for further distribution.