Jordan Ehni completes study analyzing the impact of pH1N1 influenza on Maine in 2009-2010

Jordan Ehni, a student in the Master's in Public Health program, has completed a study for his field practicum at Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC), analyzing the impact of the pandemic H1N1 influenza hospitalizations in Maine.

Specifically, Jordan collaborated with epidemiologists to analyze data collected by Maine CDC during the pandemic in order to compare pH1N1 influenza incidence rates and hospitalization rates in Maine with rates calculated by other states in New England and by the federal CDC.  

Jordan also further analyzed the hospitalized cases of pH1N1 influenza in Maine by several variables, and he found that children ages 0-4 years and individuals with chronic respiratory conditions were at higher risk for hospitalization with pH1N1 influenza. 

These results were similar to national and international-level findings. Jordan鈥檚 work is of importance when considering prevention efforts for influenza in the future.