Marilyn Gugliucci announces results of Maine GLBT Aging Report at State House

Marilyn Gugliucci, Ph.D., director of geriatrics education and research in the College of Osteopathic Medicine, spoke on behalf of AARP Maine and the SAGE (Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders) Maine Chapter at a press conference in the Welcome Center of the State House in Augusta, Maine, on Friday, March 22, 2013, at 10 a.m., to announce results from

The report, on which Gugliucci served as first author, compiles results from a needs assessment conducted by AARP Maine in 2012 through an online survey, multiple focus groups, interviews and extensive research regarding issues that affect GLBT individuals and their families throughout the state. The report reveals disturbing trends that adversely affect the health and happiness of older members of the GLBT community.

According to the report, the primary purpose for conducting the community needs assessment was to establish a SAGE chapter in Maine and to advance awareness of GLBT aging in Maine in an effort to improve services and support systems for Maine's older GLBT population.

The report identifies four initial goals that would address areas in need of improvement:  to create a network of health-care providers and other professionals who are knowledgeable and affirmative regarding GLBT aging issues; to train staff and management of long-term care services and facilities to provide a referral network of GLBT-affirmative support; to provide support and assistance if harassment or assault is experienced and provide broader education regarding Maine Civil Rights protections for GLBT individuals; and to create opportunities for social support and activities to reduce isolation and depression, as well as appropriate referrals to GLBT-affirmative providers of mental health services.

Gugliucci is a founding board member of SAGE Maine.  Her co-authors on the report are: Shirley A. Weaver, Douglas C. Kimmel, Muriel Littlefield, Lucky Hollander, and John Hennessy.