'Portland Press Herald' interviews Marilyn Gugliucci for special report on aging in Maine

mgugliucci4Marilyn Gugliucci, Ph.D., professor and director for geriatrics education and research, was quoted in a July 21, 2013 Portland Press Herald special report on aging in the state of Maine.  The report is part of an extended series on this topic, which consists of stories, videos, and a comprehensive resource website.  Subsequent installments will be released throughout the year.

According to the article, Maine has the highest median-age of all 50 states, and the aging population is creating shortages in housing, health care, transportation, long-term care, family caregiver support and legal protections against elder abuse, all of which may have devastating consequences for Maine, both socially and economically, if not properly addressed.

The report says of Gugliucci: 鈥淚n her experience, concern about the senior boom doesn鈥檛 translate into action because looming demographics alone aren鈥檛 enough o move people鈥︹橝ging isn鈥檛 sexy,鈥 Gugliucci said.  鈥楶eople are afraid of it.  So we end up chewing on the kneecaps of these issues but not really getting anywhere.鈥欌