Anthony Himes presents research at regional and national conferences

Anthony Himes (Marine Biology 鈥14) recently presented his research at a regional conference in Bar Harbor, Maine, and a national conference in San Diego, California.

Himes presented 鈥漅egulatory capabilities in two color morphs of the green crab, Carcinus maenas, exposed to oscillating salinity: an organismal and molecular approach鈥 at the Maine Biological and Medical Science Symposium in Bar Harbor, on April 18, 2014.



A week later, he presented his research as a poster at a national conference, the Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego.

Himes is working on his research project on green crab physiology in the lab of Markus Frederich, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Marine Sciences, and received a fellowship from the American Physiological Society to fund his research and his trip to San Diego.

Himes will continue his research for another year in Frederich's lab as the first graduate student in the new 4+1 Marine Sciences Graduate Program.