Renee Page helps secure USDA Farm to School Grant

Renee Page, MPH, CLC, a 2008 graduate of the Master of Public Health program and assistant director of Healthy Communities of the Capital Area (HCCA), recently helped lead HCCA to secure a $100,000 USDA Farm to School Grant to Increase Access to Local Foods in School Meals.

Page, who did her final project in the MPH program on assessing local food access and use in school meals in southern Kennebec County, will work with MSAD 11 Gardiner Area Schools and RSU 38 Maranacook Area Schools to connect them with two existing local food online buying clubs, Kennebec Local Food Initiative in Gardiner and Maranacook Local Foods Buying Club in Readfield, to develop resources and processes to streamline ordering, delivery, and food processing, which are known barriers to sourcing local foods.

The grant also provides funding for school nutrition training and equipment. HCCA hosts a FoodCorps Service Member who builds and tends school gardens, delivers agricultural-based nutrition education, and will engage youth in promoting local foods in school meals. This project will serve as a pilot for replication and expansion throughout the region and develops the infrastructure necessary for successful local food procurement to incorporate more local, fresh foods into school meals while supporting local farmers and growers.

First District Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced the award, which she supported.