Dora Mills talks Measles in Bangor Daily News

Dora Anne Mills, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, vice president for Clinical Affairs, recently appeared in the Bangor Daily News for her insights about the recent upsurge in Measles outbreaks across the country.

In the article, Mills attributed the last major measles outbreak, occurring in 1989 – 1991, to a lack of sufficient vaccinations due to affordability. She discussed the subsequent efforts made to address the issue, including the expansion of healthcare coverage for children, and a decrease in cost of the MMR vaccine.

Mills went on to cite lack of vaccinations as a cause of the recent outbreak as well; this time due to personal choice. She discussed the anti-vaccine movement, the risks that accompany vaccine refusal, and she provided information about the symptoms and complications associated with measles.

The full article is available on the website.