Lane Clarke and Audrey Bartholomew publish article in 'Online Learning'

Lane Clarke, Ed.D., associate professor, and  Audrey Bartholomew, Ph.D., assistant professor, both in the Department of Education, recently published an article in â€‹Online Learning: Official Journal of the Online Learning Consortium.

The article, titled "Digging Beneath the Surface: Analyzing the Complexity of Instructors'  Participation in Asynchronous Discussion,​" analyzes instructor participation in asynchronous discussions in an online graduate education course.  The authors used the Community of Inquiry (COI) framework (Garrison et. al, 2001) and identified several patterns in instructor postings and comments.  

Results indicated that instructors relied heavily on social codes and were less likely to employ cognitive codes.  Additionally, the data indicated that there was a variance in the types of discursive interactions, as indicated by different discursive profiles, and that students tended to favor instructors who balanced their comments across the three elements of the framework.