MPH student Kathleen Kanaley volunteers dental hygiene services with remote area medical at health fair in Anaheim, California

On March 30, 2015, Master of Public Health student Kathleen Kanaley volunteered at the Anaheim Health Fair in Anaheim, California. 

This health fair provided medical, dental, and vision services to community members who lacked medical insurance or had limited financial resources. Dental and vision services were performed by volunteers from the non-profit organization . 

RAM was established in 1985 by Stan Brock with the goal of bringing medical services to people across the globe who live with pain and suffering from lack of access to care. Kanaley, deeply inspired by RAM's mission, decided join the ranks of volunteers when she learned of the Anaheim Health Fair.

A registered dental hygienist for over 20 years, Kanaley put her skills to work as hundreds of the area's residents filtered through the fair to receive much needed medical services. She also had the opportunity to meet Stan Brock, one of her personal heroes, and looks forward to volunteering at many more of these events in the years to come.

Kanaley reflected, "This was a truly amazing experience and I encourage everyone to find the time to care for others. We all have so many wonderful talents and it would be a tragedy not to share them."