‘The New York Times’ references Geoffrey Bove’s article on trigger points

In an advice column in its Health section, The New York Times referenced a highly publicized article from Geoffrey Bove, D.C., Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Science in the College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences. The article, titled “A critical evaluation of the trigger point phenomenon," reviews literature related to "trigger points," a concept presented more than 60 years ago to explain the very common occurrence of pain that seems to originate in muscles.  It was published in Rheumatology with co-authors John Quintner, M.D., and Milton Cohen, M.D., of Australia.

The New York Times column uses Bove’s work to explain that some scientists believe trigger points, often referred to as muscle knots, to be caused by events in the brain and nervous system rather than by overused muscles.