Headshot of Mayuri Gilhooly

Mayuri Gilhooly, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor, Physics


Peter and Cecile Morgane Hall 017
Biddeford Campus
Eligible for Student Opportunities

Dr. Mayuri Gilhooly (“Dr. G”) earned her Ph.D. in physics and M.Sc. in statistics at University of Georgia. Prior to joining UNE, she served as an assistant professor at Rockhurst University where she taught a range of physics courses from introductory level to upper level as well as Statistics for Health Sciences and pre-engineering courses. With her background in physics, statistics and data science, Dr. G is eager to work with undergraduate students on interdisciplinary research projects. Dr. G is passionate about fostering interdisciplinary learning and has a special interest in collaborating with faculty across various disciplines to integrate physics into broader educational contexts. She enjoys baking, yoga and spending time with her family.



Ph.D. in Physics
University of Georgia
M.Sc. in Statistics
University of Georgia
B.Sc. (Physics)
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


  • Applied statistics
  • Physics education research


Current research

  • Physics Education and Data Science - Sentiment analysis to evaluate student evaluations
  • Applied Statistics - Effect of rural living in Karen refugees in USA

Selected publications

Gilhooly, M. P., Donaldson, N. L., & Widenhorn, R. (2023) Using a Learning Management System to Actively Engage Students in a Biomedically Relevant Introductory Physics Course. The Physics Teacher.

Gilhooly, D., Gilhooly, M. P. (2023). Finding the Familiar in Rural America: How a Rural Lifestyle Help Elder Karen Adapt to Life in the US. Anthropology in Aging.

Donaldson, N. L., Gilhooly, M. P. (2022). Physics of Dentistry - Material Strength in Dentistry. In Biomedically Relevant Introductory Physics (BMP) Living Physics Portal (LPP).

Donaldson, N. L., Gilhooly, M. P., Widenhorn, R., & Jamkhedkar, P. (2021). 1-D Motion in the Human Body. In Biomedically Relevant Introductory Physics (BMP) Living Physics Portal (LPP).

Donaldson, N. L., Gilhooly, M. P., Widenhorn, R., & Jamkhedkar, P. (2021). Forces Acting in the Human Body. In Biomedically Relevant Introductory Physics (BMP) Living Physics Portal (LPP).

Other scholarly activity

Pacaccio, F., Butler, T., & Gilhooly, M. P. (2023). Interdisciplinary biophysics project with fruit fly larvae. Kansas City MO: Association of College and University Biology Educators (ACUBE)

Funded grants

NSF SSTEM Grant-Scholarships and Mentoring to Advance Retention and Training in Support of Low-income STEM Students (2023), PI - M. Marvin with CoPI J. Cielocha, CoPI M. Gilhooly, CoPI R. Elsenpeter.

Advanced Laboratory Physics Association (ALPhA) Immersion Equipment Grant for research with undergraduate students (2021), Funded by Jonathan F. Reichert Foundation, PI – M. Gilhooly

Research interests

Interdisciplinary research